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Elicitation Lesson Template

Page history last edited by Debra Knickerbocker 9 years, 8 months ago Saved with comment

Lesson 1-1: <title> Elicitation Question

~XX-XX minutes

Student Version Teacher Discussion Notes 


  1. Students answer on their own (~10 minutes)
  2. Students share their answers with a partner (~5 minutes)
  3. Students contribute to a class discussion with ALL answers valued and NOT judged as right or wrong. (~15-30 minutes)

DO NOT tell the students "THE ANSWER".  Tell students that with the elicitation questions we are looking for all the different ways, models and theories that might explain the situation. Let students know that during the following lessons we will sort through all these ideas, but we need to have lots of ideas so that we can eliminate some.

Typical student responses you hope to hear during this engagement lesson:



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