The Elephant Tusk Project
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on April 27, 2015 at 2:37:10 pm

Big Idea &
Essential Questions
Lesson Overview |
Eliciting and Engaging the Student |
Developing the Ideas |
Checking for Understanding |
Big Idea 1: The Groundwork
Essential Question:
Big Idea 2: The History
Essential Questions:
- How Do Scientists Use Biotechnology to Help Conserve Species?
- Who Are The Scientists?
Big Idea 3: The Scenario
Essential Questions:
- Why Elephants and The Ivory Story
Big Idea 4: The Mission
Essential Questions:
- What techniques do we need to perform our mission?
- Can we use DNA Technology to track the ivory?
Big Idea 5: The Assessment
Essential Questions:
- Can we use what we've learned and apply to the conservation of another species?
The Elephant Tusk Project
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