
Lesson 2-2 (Option A): Malaria Case Studies

Page history last edited by mariaelizabethbunn@... 9 years, 9 months ago

Engaging the Student (Entry Task) 

Developing the Ideas--Lesson

Checking for Understanding (exit ticket)

Student Handout 
Teacher/Lesson Notes

~2 class periods 

Review Previous Learning:


1. What is the definition of a parasite.

  • A parasite is an organism that cannot survive without a host, another living organism from which it gets nutrients, shelter and aid in its reproduction. An example of a common parasite is head lice.

2. What microscopic parasite is responsible for malaria?

  • Plasmodium sp.

3. The malaria parasite relies on two hosts. What are they?

  • Mosquito and human; other animals can also host Plasmodium. The Plasmodium organisms are dependent on the hosts to reproduce. They cannot reproduce without the right environment, either in the liver of humans or in the belly of the mosquito.

4. Plasmodium also needs a means of transmission, a way to get to a new host. What term is used to describe this mode of transmission?

  • Vector; recall that the Anopheles mosquito is the vector for Plasmodium. Without the vector to spread the parasite (and the infection), the parasite will die off when the host dies.

This lesson consists of reviewing previous learning (Entry Task and Part 1 below) and using case studies to be able describe the socio-economic impacts of malaria (part 2 below).


1. Review of the malaria life cycle: 

  • Print several copies of the Malaria Life Cycle Student Statements and the Malaria Life Cycle KEY (see Materials)
  • Cut the statements into individual pieces of paper and distribute a set to each student group of students.
  • Have student groups work together to put the statements in order according to the malaria life cycle that was discussed.
  • Share out as a class.


2. Case Studies: 

  • Several case studies have been developed to provide students insight into the multifaceted impact that malaria is having around the world. You may opt to divide students into groups to complete individual case studies and share out their key findings with the class, or assign all case studies as independent work for students to complete           individually. In either case, the Student Handout "Summaries of Case Study Findings" offers a forum for students to make notes of the key points of all 6 case studies.
    • Print desired Case Studies and Teacher Case Study Notes (see Materials)
    • Print the student handout "Summaries of Case Study Findings" (1 per student) for a share-out.


 This Lesson Provided by UNICEF





The student handout "Summaries of Case Study Findings" could be used as an Exit Ticket after class share-out.



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