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Lesson 4-1: Action Project Posters

Page history last edited by mariaelizabethbunn@... 9 years, 5 months ago

Engaging the Student (Entry Task) 

Developing the Ideas--Lesson

Checking for Understanding (exit ticket)

Student Handout 
Teacher/Lesson Notes

TBD by teacher

 Before introducing the project, have students briefly reflect on what they've learned in the malaria unit, and write down what interested them most or what they'd like to know more about or what they wish they could do to help. 



Description: For this activity, students will work in groups of four and select either a method of malarial control OR an awareness/advocacy issue related to malaria. They will create a poster that will be used for a classroom presentation and for use in educating the rest of the school community about health and development issues associated with malaria. Although this action project is currently set up for the creation of posters, it could easily be adapted to have students utilize tech to make a PowerPoint or a Prezi.


The posters should be created as if they are from a local organization requesting development funds or as if they are part of a larger education campaign to raise awareness about malaria specific issues.


An evaluation rubric has been included in materials. 


Possible topics:

  • insecticide treated bed nets (see Spread the Net campaign (www.spreadthenet.org)
  • indoor residual spraying
  • chloroquine resistance and advocating for access to affordable artemisinin-containing combination therapy (ACTs)
  • the use of DDT to control malaria vector organisms
  • the link between malaria and HIV/AIDS
  • the socio-economic impact of malaria in Africa
  • malaria and global warming
  • impact of malaria on children and ways to protect them
  • access to health care in developing countries
  • malaria and poverty
  • malaria and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  • the need to provide financial support to organizations building sustainable malaria interventions
  • use of malaria prophylaxis (preventative medications)


Prior Knowledge Required

  • Students should have a basic understanding of the complex life cycle of the Plasmodium parasite.
  • Students should understand the social and economic impacts of malaria.
  • Students should be able to briefly explain the various methods of intervention in the fight against malaria.


Poster Requirements

  • Clearly identifies the issue and the author’s position related to the issue with supporting data and graphics
  • Shows a mature understanding of the issue presented with reference to the greater context of malaria as a development problem
  • Includes appropriate graphics/tables/data (with relevant citations) to support issue
  • Is eye-catching and colorful and makes a statement that impacts the audience
  • Challenges audience to take action in response to the issue presented
  • Gives the audience an opportunity to find out more information
  • Includes a full reference list on the back of the poster (for both graphics and text information)




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